News Archive for previous club news
This page contains news items from the current month. For older news stories, please click on the archive link above
25/02/09 - Longmynd Valleys


John Hewitt, Rob Edwards, Jasmin and Andrew A all ran in this years Longmynd Valleys race. It's a brilliant race with high speed sledging descents! Club results are on the results page

Some great photos can be found on picasa taken by Alastair Tye



24/02/09 - New Photos Page


The one thing that took the longset to update on the website was adding photos. So I've changed it now to add all photos to the following new web album

All the previous photos will remain where they are - but any new ones you send me will get posted there. As I've just set it up it may take a few hours for them to appear so please be patient.



24/02/09 - AGM


                        GLOSSOPDALE HARRIERS AGM

The 2009 AGM is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 3rd March at the Norfolk Arms, in the centre of Glossop, starting at 8.00pm prompt. At paid-up Members are entitled to attend and participate.


1.            Apologies for absence

2.            Minutes of 2008 AGM

3.            Officers' reports:

            Membership Secretary
            Race Directors
            Club Championship

4.            Amendment to Constitution

5.            Election of Officers for 2009/10

6.            Subscriptions 2009/10

If it is the wish of the meeting, once the formal part of the proceedings has been completed, other matters will be considered under 'Any Other Business', if time allows. This may be a good opportunity, whilst we're together, to discuss ideas for future events (club weekends, relays etc.). Anyone unable to attend should feel free to phone/fax, email or write to me if they wish issues to be raised at the AGM on their behalf.


Bill Buckley
(Hon Secretary)

phone/fax:            Glossop 855639


23/02/09 - Awards for Carl and Beryl


At the meeting at Horwich RMI club last night, both Carl & Beryl received well earned V60 trophies for their efforts in this year's Red Rose Cross Country League, covering 4 races: Witton Park (Blackburn), Bury (Chesham Park), Leverhulme Park (Bolton) and last but never least Marl Pits (Rossendale). The latter would easily qualify as an 'AS' fell race if it were ever to be included in the FRA calendar. All through the season Carl had to contend with a 'N Shuttleworth' sometimes not far behind, sometimes in front, but nevertheless managed to beat his club rival by just 1 point on the final score. Trophies (see pics) were prevented by Andy O'Sullivan MBE, BEM. who many will know organises charity races in the area.