News Archive for previous club news
This page contains news items from the current month. For older news stories, please click on the archive link above
26/07/08 - Shining Tor


Lots from the club turned out for the next installment of midweek championship races - all with the obligatory dip in the reservoir afterwards in such good weather! Updated championship pages are here as well as a breakdown of the results


26/07/08 - Bamford Carnival


Phil, Carl and Beryl took part in this years Bamford Carnival Race - one of the best sprint mass starts around! All 200 odd runners normally in just one single line at the start - all heading for one small gate!

Image credit - Dark Peak website - lots of other pictures from Bamford and of other races this year link

Results can be found here


26/07/08 - Gravy6 2008


Not many Harriers at this local race down the Longdendale Trail in Hadfield - infact only John C and Nev! Well done Nev though 3rd V60.

Results can be found here


26/07/08 - Road Race Results


Both John Hewitt and John Stephenson got in a couple of 10k times for the championship this year.

Results here and championship tables

Remember the rules this year for the main championship are it's 6 out of the 10 races to count and as this represents an award for the best all round runner in the club, in order to be eligible for a prize, runners must complete at least one fell and one road race from the championship list - so get planning that autumn road race if you haven't got one in already!!!


26/07/08 - Kentmere Horseshoe


Latest round of the main club championship saw some contrasting performances from the few who braved the English championship road show. Sounds like the hot weather took it' stool on quiet a few!! Well done to all that made the trip up to the lakes!

Club results here and championship update here

Matt loking a little bit tired! Picture credit Pete Jebb from his set of the Kentmere race on Picasa


17/07/08 - Charlesworth Fell Race


Looked like a good field and strong turn out from the club at the Charlesworth and Chisworth (short and steep) fell race. Good results by all and Beryl coming in first in her age catagory!

Club results and link to the full results here



17/07/08 - Club Away Weekend



in what must be record time -we've now filled all the places the Hostel has to offer. If anyone else would like to still come Phil suggests... If anyone would rather be in the barn than the YH, or if anyone else fancies coming and is interested in staying in the barn then suggest you book the barn direct via: and let me know too if you’re on the YHA list so others can get on it.

It would be worth trying to get a group together before booking otherwise you might be in there with a group of DoE girls / lads…..

Secondly, Bill suggested it may be possible that individuals can find accommodation in other YHA hostels, if they are members of course. egPatterdale YHA which is fairly near. There is also the camp site at Brothers Water as another option.

if anyone would like to still go - please contact Phil



Phil has been working hard to get the next club away weekend sorted and booked up.

It will be Fri 26th to Sun 28th Sept at the Helvellyn YHA. Here's a note from Phil

"Please get it in your diaries and spread the good word! I’ll confirm costs asap and get family / twin rooms booked if poss. Places may be limited as ever so the sooner people let me know the better (“BUY NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT!” as they say)."

If anyone else in the club would like to go please get in touch with Phil before all the places have gone!!



13/07/08 - Club Orienteering Event


As part of this years championship we decided to have a club navigation event count towards the final tally. Bill has very kindly offered to organize this for sometime later in the Summer / Autumn. As thought the end of the summer tends to be busy with the relay season and the British Championships Bill's suggestion was to organize it sometime in Oct / Nov.

Watch this space therefore for some dates. And just to see what it can be like on the club navigation races, here's one of John S's pictures from the gallery.



11/07/08 - Midweek Championship


It's only the start of July, but after the first 6 races and 6 wins - Matt is our midweek champion once again!!!

But whilst first place is sown up - it's all a bit close behind - just over 10 points separate 3rd to 6th - one race can make all the difference!

And the ladies championship couldn't be closer either - only two points between Adele and Lindsay at the top!

Don't forget next midweek race is Shining Tor on the 23rd of July

Link to the Championship pages here


PS If any of the results are incorrect please let me know - especially if I have missed any one off the Casteton results - these were done from photos of the results boards on the Macclesfield site - not easy to spot everyone!



11/07/08 - Races Round Up


Here are some brief bits of news and links to the club and full results for some of the races that happened last month.

Round the Resers
Nev continued his good form in the fast and flat Round the Longdendale Reserviors race coming home 2nd V60. Sue, Carl and Beryl also raced. Results here

Lots of the club took part this year in the LAMM - with most underestimating the biblical scale plague of Scottish Midges. Results again here

Isle of White
Andy W once again showed off the club vest around the Isle of White.Andy sped around Brading 10K. Starting and finishing on the IoW speedway track at Ryde, the race was run on a very undulating course in warm but very blustery conditions. There were 81 runners, and Andy finished in 24th position in 43.40. More points for the Championship hey! And not content with just that he managed to fit in the Calton fell race back in the peaks the next day! Results here



11/07/08 - Site up to date


Well I'm finally getting the site up to date(ish) over the next couple of days, so you might see a few things out of place or not yet there. I'm still missing some news and results here and there so please let me know if there is anything you want on it!

Probably most important are the results updated in the championship!

And to make you lot appericate the rain on Bleaklow a bit more, here's the closest thing 've found any uphill over here! Locks on a canal!!!!



08/07/08 - Website moved and news


Well it's taken a while but I'm now back to being able to update the website after one of those RIP computer moments and a change to a new Mac.

So lots to update in the next few days especially the championships.

Quick few results though

Sounds like everyone is running well at the moment

Matt and Mark O 6th and 9th up James' Thorn - 4th and 10th aswell at Tideswell. In the Trog Sandra had a brilliant result being 1st lady, Mark was 9th and Andy F 3rd V50. And not loosing out in the age groups Nev and Carl were 2nd and 4th V60s going round the Ressers.

And some of the Kinder Trog Photos will go up soon aswell.