News Archive for previous club news
This page contains news items from the current month. For older news stories, please click on the archive link above
04/10/08 - Midweek Championship 2008


The final results are sorted. And it was one of the best contested championships over the last few years!

Congratualtions to Matt (3rd year in a row!) and Lindsay for winning the men and womens respectively!!

The updated tables can be found here



04/10/08 - Ian Hodgson Cancelled


Another bit of news from the Dark Peak website and the FRA Forums - unfortunately the Ian Hodgson Relays have been cancelled this year due to flooding.

Link to the news on the forums here



03/10/08 - Headtorch recall


From the Dark Peak website -

Anyone got a Petzl MYO headlamp?

If you have you should follow this link - MYO headlamps and AA/LR6 rechargeable batteries to read about safety concerns.