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September 2010 - English Championships


This year the FRA English Championships included several races close to Glossop and there was greater than usual participation in the championship, with John Hewitt and Julien Minshull both completing four races or more in the M45 category and Mark Ollerenshaw in the open category.

The championship kicked off in February with the Noonstone race, a hard medium length race near Todmorden. Wintry conditions suited Julien, but all three had good races. Mark came in 60thm missing out on a point by under a minute. Julien was 82nd just ahead of John, Julien picking up 26 points in M45 and 4 in M40, John 25 in M45 and 3 in M40.  

Next up was Coniston at the beginning of May, another medium length race - this one generally over easier ground (apart from the famous descent!) but with lots of climbing . Julien couldn't run because of illness. Mark and John both struggled in this very popular and fast race, neither taking home any points.

The classic Ennerdale in mid June saw 6 Glossopdalers heading up into the lakes to inflict pain on their feet. Mark had a great run to finish 55th, just missing out on a point again. Julien ran fantastically to finish in 69th, picking up another 26 points in the M45 category and 5 in the M40. John Hewitt managed to sacrape a point in M45 with 116th place. Andy Fox ran well to finish 131st, taking 5 points in the M50 category. A great run for Phil saw him come in 160th, and Dave Hogg came in 210th swearing he'd never do this race again but helping the team to pick up a couple of points nonetheless.

Only John Hewitt competed in the Sedbergh 3 Peaks race, a short counter in late June. Still trying to shake off the effects of a chest infection earlier in the year, John struggled in this brutal race, coming home in 152nd, with no points.

The next 'home' race for Glossopdale was Holme Moss, in July but nearly as wet as the race had been in the previous year. Another good turnout for this excellent long counter. Mark ran very well to pick up an excellent haul of 14 points in the open championship. Another fantactic race for Julien, who even came close to picking up a point in the open category. He took home 25 points in M45 and 12 in M40 for his 54th place finish. John Hewitt was 83rd with an excellent time of 3:07:43, earning him 8 points in M45. Great runs also from Andrew Anastasi in 123rd and Dave Hogg in 151st saw Glossopdale pick up points in the team competition. Jude Stansfield completed her first Holme Moss race in a very respectable 3:57:56.

Finally came Shelf Moor. With a great turnout of helpers and marshals from the club, Glossopdale were able to field 7 of its best runners. Another great performance from Julien saw him break under 50 minutes and claim a massive 30 points in M45 and 15 in M40. John picked up 17 points in M45. Sandra Copper, in her only championship race of the season, came third in the F40 category and 10th overall in the women's race. Dan Oldham, having started the race a couple of minutes after everyone else (don't ask!) and Chris Jackson had excellent runs, coming 86th and 90th. Andrew Anastasi and Dave Hogg again ran well for the club , coming in 114th and 115th and again helping to pick up team points.

Overall, Mark Ollerenshaw was joint 102nd in the open category with 14 points.

Julien Minshill managed a haul of 107 points in the M45 championship, putting him in 13th place. He also managed 36 points in the fiercely competitive M40 competition, putting him in 44th place.

John Hewitt finished 33rd in the M45 category with 51 points and managed 96th place in the M40 category with his 3 points from Noonstone.

In the team competition, Glossopdale came 11th in the M40 category and strangely the same in the open category.