The 2013 Championships

Glossopdale Harriers are organizing several club championships during the year: There is a Fell Championship and a Road, Cross Country and Trail championship. The Combined Champion will be decided by taking your best results from eight races across the RCCT and Fell championships, with the restriction that a maximum of FIVE can come from either discipline. There will also be a Summer Series of midweek evening races, to be announced later.

Links to the tables from previous year’s championships can also be found below.



road championship



fell championship


main championship



midweek championship



Previous Championships



Fell Championship



Road and Trail Championship

2012   2012


Main Championship



Midweek Championship

2012   2012
2011   2011
2010   2010 (fell championship)
2009   2009
2008   2008
2007   2007
2006   2006
2005   2005
2004   2004