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29/02/08 - 10k Handicap #6


Well it was back to the normal route for last nights 10k and Matt even got to run one! Thanks Gordon for doing the timing and pIzza aftwards. Well done Neil for a convincing win and Matt with another sub 38 time!

Results can be found on the Results page


25/02/08 - Ramsay Round Record

Report on the Planet Fear website says that at 14:30 on Friday 15th February Shane Ohly completed the Ramsay Round in 29:59:34 to set a new winter record. The previous winter record was 33:48:00 set by Gary Tompsett in 2003. Full report here


24/02/08 - Isle of Jura

Enteries for this years race will open on March 1st. A classic race that several of the club have done in recent years.

Full details of the race and this entry form can be found on the Jura Race website


20/02/08 - Andrew's Navigation Event



Well it sounds like the event was fantastic with the supurb weather helping just a little bit. Results will be up as soon as I have them. In the mean time here's some amazing pictures from John S.



16/02/08 - Kinder Downfall entries


As seems to becoming the (worrying?) trend these days, the popular pre-entry races are getting full earlier and earlier.

Kinder Downfall - Sun, 13 Apr - This is is the second of the club championship races and is pre-entry only There is a limit of 300 runners this year and the race is filling up already! There is an entry list as of (upadted 22Feb) on the Hayfield fell race website that will be up dated from time to time. But nice to see there is a few Harriers on the list already!

Get your entry in as soon as possible!


16/02/08 - Andrew's Nav event


Sunday 17th is Andrew Anastasi's club navigation event. Sorry for the late notice on the website (Away on holiday excuse!)

From Andrew
Start 9.30 at Blackden Barn just past snake inn. Please remember full kit. Format all controls to be visited any order. I've tried the julien format. To do well you'll need to know right from left !

Also don't be put off /  worried / stopped  by Snake being closed. Just drive around the road blocks and access to the start is fine


11/02/08 - Winter Hill


I think there was only this race over the weekend. Thanks Andy for the speedy report!

Just Bill and myself did this one, on a warm (!) sunny February morning. It was great to see Bill back in racing action again after many months away from competitive running. I believe that Bill had a good steady run, to finish well in 164th out of 206 starters.

Now this is a tough and challenging 11 miler with around 3000 ft of ascent, not an easy option for a comeback race, so well done Bill! It's got a complex course involving two distinct ascents of Winter Hill, and two completely separate ascents over the hill's broad shoulders. The terrain is mainly tussocks and bogs (Brown Knoll style!), and not many tracks. You're constantly ascending or descending difficult terrain. There's no nice running on airy ridges here, and you find that you're generally having to run outside your comfort zone just to keep your head above water.

I was mainly doing the Winter Hill race today because I missed my 'usual' run at the Mickleden Straddle last week (this I must confess was due to a night of feckless over-indulgence at a friend's 50th birthday party in Leeds last Saturday evening). I faded a bit in the last few miles today, but managed to hang on, sins expunged, to finish 95th overall. The men's race was won by Rob Hope, with Emma Clayton winning the ladies race. It was also good to have a chat with former club member Sally Newman (first LV45).



Usual place for the club and full results


05/02/08 - 10k Handicap #5


So the backwards route doesn't look like it's slower! Here's a report from Matt.

Update 11/02/08 Ooops looks like the results weren't quite right. The winner last night was Pau, not bad for a first run! Gareth also set the course record for the reverse route in a time of 38 minutes exactly.

Two others managed to get round in under the 40 minutes, Julien in a time of 39:41, and John Doyle 2 seconds faster at 39:39 (also a PB).

So does the debate continue? - which way round is the faster?!

Next Handicap on the normal route is on Thursday 28th Feb


Results canbe found on the Results page


05/02/08 - The Long Mynd Valleys


A bit further afield - 2 Andys took on the long Long Mynd Valleys this weekend. Brief report from Andy F makes it sounds like a great race - "hard to pace as most of the climb comes in the last 4 miles or so. Very good running though with some fast ground along the top of the Mynd and some eye-ball out descents which favour the bold approach." To many memories of Geography Field trips there for me! Results can be found via here


05/02/08 - Mickleden Straddle


Sounded like the weather made this one fun!! Stormy winds and more freezing water - a shorter replay of Tankys!? Brilliant results from Julien who was first V40 and Dave who was first V50. Fantastic!

A report from John S

Five Glossopdale Harriers took part with Julien, Dave and John Hewitt up front somewhere, Nick Cliffe and I started together at the back and slowly advanced through the field most of the way round.  The weather was dry overhead, cloudy and windy. The dominant feature of the course was water, some in liquid and some in semi-frozen form. Running up the path from Mickledon Edge to Cut Gate was like fording a mile wide stream with rocks, deep mud and slush puddles thrown in for a laugh. All the way out the wind was rising as we climbed higher until it was near gale force over the top. The reward is the fast gallop down t’other side to Howden res, I passed about 10 runners including Nick and then spent the next 8 miles trying desperately to hang on to the gain.

Congratulations to Julien for being 1st V40 and Dave for 1st V50.  John Hewitt was a very creditable 32nd overall, but 13th V40!  Also congrats to Nick for completing his first ever fell race, he said he enjoyed it so he’s not gonna like the short summer evening races at all.

John Stephenson


Results are now up and can be found here


2/02/08 - Edale Skyline is full


News from the Dark Peak website says that there are only 50 places left for the Edale Skyline! (as of January 30th). After the quota has been reached entries will be kept in chronological order and if anyone drops out they will contact the next person on the list.

This is the first of the club championship races, so if you're planning on doing it, get your entry form in ASAP!


UPDATE 05/02/08 The race is now full according to a post by the organizers on the FRA forum. Any more entries will be on reserve list in a first come first received basis.


1/02/08 - The Capricorn 2008


This years Capricorn MM this year will be taking place over the weekend of the 19th - 20th July. And online enteries have just been opened. All enteries can be submitted through the Capricorn website.


1/02/08 - Club 10km Handicap #5


Tuesday 5th February is the next club 10k Handicap race organized by Matt. Start times go from 7pm at the leisure centre.

This time the route is going to be done in reverse!!! Map below shows the route in it's normal direction, so remeber this time it's going to be backwards (and I reckon slower)