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30/03/08 - The Edale Skyline


Well I'm guessing the weather was a bit better than last year!! Great runs everyone!!! First fell points in this years main chamionship - takes Dave H and Lindsay to the top of the men and ladies tables. Championship tables can be found here

Full club results are also here and hopefully we'll have a race report from someone soon!


25/03/08 - Manx Mountain 1/2


Congrats Matt on an excellent run over the weekend in the Isle of Man - 4th in the Half Manx Mountain Marathon.

Club results here

20/03/08 - Club AGM 2008


From Bill

The 2008 AGM is scheduled to take place on Thursday the 10th of April at the Leisure Centre, High St East, Glossop, starting at 8.30pm prompt. All paid-up Members should try to attend and participate.

Please try to attend if you can!!!!!!


19/03/08 - Ackworth Half Marathon

Well seems everyone was busier than I thought last weekend. Gareth sneaked in a very quick half marathon. I've heard from several others it was a tough course by the sounds of things and the wind didn't help alot. Well done Gareth. Results are here


19/03/08 - 10k Handicap #7


Quick report on the last of the 10k series from Matt

Lindsay was last nights winner with a time of 50:05 (just one second slower than her fastest from last year - and this was after a long run on Sunday!!)
Adele was 3rd - beating her previous time by 15 seconds

Finally Nick broke the 40 minute mark in a time of 39:52!

Thanks to all who have taken part in this series (42 people have taken part in at least one of the races) - see you back on the fells

Thanks again Matt

Results canbe found on the Results page


18/03/08 Wuthering Hike


Another of the weekends race the club was involved in. The Wuthering Hike is 33 miles traversing gritstone moors around Haworth, Todmorden and Hebden Bridge 4,400 ft of ascent/descent maximum time allowed 12 hours

Thanks Mark for the report

"A few Glossopdale runners descended on Haworth on Saturday for the Wuthering Hike-Haworth Hobble, a gruelling 32 mile trail race over the moors around Haworth, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden.  I ran with John Doyle, and John Hewitt and Phil Swan teamed up.  

JD and I sat off fairly briskly (a bit too briskly?) heading for Bronte Bridge and Withins Ruins (Emily Bronte’s inspiration for Wuthering Heights?), and made steady progress passing a few runners on the way.  I think we were both feeling tired in the legs after the HPM the weekend before but the plentiful refreshments on-route seemed to sustain us.  Just a few navigational glitches through the streets of Todmorden, of all places, and then at the end taking the scenic route around Penistone Hill.  The only bit of the race that felt like a fell race was the stonking climb up to Stoodley Pike and then a long descent to Hebden Bridge and in fact I was pleased to be running in trainers rather than fell or trail shoes, which wouldn’t have given me enough support.  The course seemed quite hilly, certainly more than the 4400 ft of ascent advertised.

The highlight of the race, apart from the doughnuts and gingerbread at the Mankinholes checkpoint, was being passed by Kate Jenkins running with and chatting to her spaniel, who seemed to be pulling her along.

Anyway, we made it back in 5 hours 12 minutes in 37th position, and were fairly pleased although I would guess we could have done it about half an hour quicker if we had been fresher in the legs.  I really enjoyed it and will certainly be back again next year."

Club results in the usual place


16/03/08 - Lads Leap


A somewhat windy Sunday morning saw the Des' Lads Leap race run from Crowden. Big field this year (about 190ish?) took the slightly slower clockwise route this time with the big climb back up through the quarries. Great turn out from Glossop with some good runs by all - even after running to the race as a warm up! As soon as I have them Club results can be found here with the Full Race Results on their own page. Also I took some pictures at the finish (until the batteries ran out!) so sorry not to many of the club.

Now I have the results - well done Julian, 2nd V45, Andy Fox, 1st V50 and Lindsay, despite totalling 20 something miles for the day managed a brilliant third in the Derbyshire Championships! Well done!!!!


10/03/08 - LAMM entries open



From the organizers of the LAMM

It is now time to enter LAMM 2008. We have another great area lined up in one of the classic mountain area of the Scottish Highlands with a scattering of Munros and Corbetts.  Our planner this year is Andy Spenceley, who planned the excellent routes at Inchnadamph two years ago and controlled the event last yeasr.  Angela Mudge who planned our 2007 routes and Dave Coustick will share the role of controller. Competition for places in the LAMM is now so keen that the event always fills to capacity and even an event as far north as Inchndamph 2006 was oversubscribed. Entry is online only and we would strongly recommend an early entry this year to avoid disappointment. We will save a few slots to allow late entries for Elite and A teams.

Enter Online at www.lamm.co.uk,



10/03/08 - Club Away Weekend


From Phil

"If anyone would like a short weekend running in the Lakes in April, Elterwater YHA has room for a small group (6 or so) on Sat 19th April, but alas no room on the Friday night. 

John Hewitt and I will be reccying some of the Old County Tops route which is why we’re going up and it has to be this weekend for us because it’s the only one John and I can both make. I appreciate from comments about that this doesnt work for everyone - sorry.

So the plan, such as it is, would be to head up early on Sat and have a day’s outing, followed by dinner and a bevvy or two, then get out on Sun before heading home.

Anyone up for it? If so I’ll sort it out. The costs will be usual for a YHA – about £16-18 B&B plus dinner on Sat night and packed lunch on Sun.




03/03/08 - HPM


High Peak Rollerbladers, aka Mark O, Julian M, Dave H and John D finished in a brilliant 3rd on Sat after one of the worst bog sucking years rounds in memory. None of the snow of the previous couple years, but driving rain and wind

Here's a report from Julian

"We were away quickly, possibly a little too quickly as we’d caught the Pennine team of Geoff Briggs, Darren Dunn , Toby Cushion and Simon Pearce by Stanage (10 miles) and we’d set off 20 minutes after them !   The early part of the run was remarkably dry and this led us into a false sense of security which lasted as far as Abbey Brook.

The Derwent edges went easily enough and we flew down Sheepfold Clough before taking a very steep line up the side of Foul Clough before hitting the edge path again before Wet Stones. Geoff’s team were going well here, they’d caught us up and started to overtake as the rain set in and the mist descended.

The Watershed was its usual swamp self and very misty, but we pushed on into the wind and rain. Local knowledge counted here as we had no trouble in keeping to the route without recourse to map and compass. At this point we were running with another team who were struggling to keep to the route by navigating ‘properly’- and after a while they just stopped bothering and followed us.

Dave had been suffering with the cold on this leg and as we reached the top of Far Black Clough decided to put on every item of clothing, before hitting the exposed tops. The plateau was about as bad as I’ve ever seen: between the posts was a sea of peaty porridge and progress could best be described as ‘energetic wading’ rather than running.  Back on Outer Edge, my foot had stopped in a deep bog but my forward momentum meant I twisted my knee, which had hurt at the time, but was now becoming a real problem.

Somewhere on the way to Bleaklow Head we had a navigation ‘wobble’ and found ourselves, very briefly, heading back East. We soon realized this as the relentless wind was now behind us, so we quickly turned tail and for the only time in the entire event checked with the compass. The Feed stop at Snake summit was a real boost as we were all getting hungry by then and we appreciated the efforts of the four lovely girls who looked after us so well!

The flags to Mill Hill were as dull as ever and the wind on the western side of Kinder made progress difficult, but we were still going well. Dave had by now recovered superbly, Mark and John were as strong as ever, but by Kinder Low I was in trouble and could barely hobble downhill to Jacob’s Ladder. At this checkpoint I was ready to retire as I didn’t think I could get to the finish, but decided to keep on over Brown Knoll and decide again at the Chapel Gate track. Here we met Carl and Beryl, which was a real lift and we wondered if we could dare to hope to keep our 3rd place, despite me not being able to run at all now and seeing two teams behind gradually catching up.

Just after Lord’s Seat John showed what a star he is by carrying both his own, and my sack down to Mam Nick and over Mam Tor!  Being relieved of the weight made all the difference as I could actually run, and again Dave did this for me on the descent down from Hollin’s Cross. We ended strongly, running up the road to the finish, all the while glancing over our shoulders to the team who were trying extremely hard to catch us."


Absolutely fantastic result guys especially being so close the two "pro" Montrail teams. Sub 10 next year? Results are here



10/03/08 - Weekend Round-up


And what a busy weekend it has been on top of the High Peak Marathon

In a (completely unashamed) bid to top the club championship tables, Nick and Nev got in a road 10km to score the first points. The Trafford 10k was organized by Altrincham AC and is one of the fastest and flattest courses around. It certainly attracts some of the best road runners around (first 30 were under 33 mins!) Club and full results can be found here.

Photo taken by Job King. All his photos of the race can be found on the Trafford 10k pages on Flickr

It was also the first of this year's English Championship races - Black Combe. Sounds like lots of fun was had in the clag. Some people actually got a compass out and didn't miss CP2! Seems there were quite a few DISQ in the results. Andy F ran from Glossop with a great finish by the looks of it. Results here.

Picture taken by wrross. The full set can be found on Flickr

And not to be outdone in the mileage stakes Lins did the very hilly Gindleford Gallop on Sunday - 21miles and lots of feet of climbing. The route certainly looks good. Click here for the results.



03/03/08 - Speed Session Details


Tuesday is the next speed session in the winter / spring calander. Start at 7pm from the Leisure Center. This week the session will be 1min intervals - just what's needed to sharpen up that speed for the early season races.


03/03/08 - Peak O Trial Results


I forgot about this one - sorry - and by the looks of the results I shouldn't have - Harriers 1st and 2nd V40s 1st V45 2nd V50. Well done everyone. I've put together a table of the Harriers results here