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This page contains news items from the current month. For older news stories, please click on the relevent month above.
22/12/07 - Championships 2008


Details of the 2008 Club Championships are now here


20/12/07 - Races 2008


With next year only 10 days or so away, now seems as good a time as any to start thinking about some of those New Year / early January races. Close to home there's almost one a week from New year onwards!

We've got the Peak 'O' Trial navigation event on Sunday 30th December from the Royal Oak, A57, Glossop. Organized by Des Gibbons and it's a 2 hr Score event. Start times at minute intervals from 11am. A map and control grid references will be issued at the start time. Entry fee £4.

There's Lambs Longer Leg on Sunday 13th January and remember this year it's pre-entry only! The race is organized by Brian Shelmerdine and entries must be on the “Official FRA Entry Form”. The fee this year for everyone, is £3.50. Brian's address can be found in the 2007 FRA calendar or details can be found here.

The week after it's one the really great events the Kinder Trial Sunday 20th January. As it's an orienteering event, the starts are at intervals between 10.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. intervals. Distance is normally 11m/2000'(approx) Organized by Andy Howie, and this is also a pre-entry race. It's £6 (includes map and soup)and entries must be in by Jan. 16th on FRA form, cheques payable to "A. L. Howie". Details: Andy Howie, The Chalet, Tunstead Clough, Edale Road, Hayfield, High Peak, SK22 2LL. Tel: 01663 742138 and 07970 751833. Email: andylhowie@aol.com There are also details on the Hayfield Fell Races website.

Week after is Tigger Tor over in the Burbage Valley. Tough on this with usually a large field. Details can be found on the Totley AC website.

And one more early local race at the start of February is Mickleden Straddle. The weather usually makes the 13.8m miles very interesting! Organized by Denby Dale Travellers

There is also a good choice of races a bit further afield. One to have a go at is the ever popular Auld Lang Syne Race on Mon 31st December organized by Dave Woodhead. The race starts at 11:30 and is 6m/900'. All finishers receive a bottle of acclaimed Briscoe's Brewery "Auld Lang Syne" beer. More details can be found on Dave and Eileen's website.


20/12/07 - FRA Calander

The FRA website now has both January and February's 2008 Calendar online.



20/12/07 - Edale Skyline


Enteries are now open for the Edale Skyline next year! This will be a club championship race so it would be a very good idea to get your entry in soon!!! After the reputation the race gained itself last year, I'm sure it is going to be over subscribed again this year. Full race details can be found here and the entry form can be downloaded from here


17/12/07 - Christmas Presentation


Here's the one of the club photos from the presentation yesterday (Thanks Bill). I'll get the others put in the gallery section on the website as soon as I can.


17/12/07 - Bills 4 Hills


Many thanks Bill for setting the course and organising the run today. You should be made an honorary brass monkey for hanging about in the car park in that weather. It was cold enough running never mind standing about. Here is a short report from Bill

4 - HILLS RACE 2007 (or The Case of the disappearing flag)

We seem to have a mystery worthy of the attention of Monsieur Poirot himself. How did the flag near Brownhill Farm disappear? Having studied the results, our resident sleuth is suspicious, but surely it would be uncharitable to suspect for one moment that any of our members would stoop to joining the growing army of match-fixers, ball-tamperers, horse-dopers, and all their ilk? Should we order a steward's enquiry?

A big 'Thank You' to everyone who turned out today and ran or helped. One final comment relating to the weather today (and it was infinitely preferable to the lashing rain wasn't it?), as a metallurgist I've often puzzled as to how the saying about brass monkeys losing vital bits in cold weather came about. I've never heard of brass becoming embrittled at low temperatures, unlike steel, where there are volumes of case histories. Still it did get a bit thin after a while, but we're supposed to be hard aren't we? Bill

The race results can be found here


16/12/07 - Overseas Racing


Well done to Rachel! One of Glossopdales (growing) number of overseas runners won this years UNICEF half marathon in Hong Kong. The photo shows a very happy Rachel on the podium!




15/12/07 The club main and midweek championship tables are out!!!!!! Well done to all that took part - especially to the Beryl and Carl who did all the races and scooped lots of the prizes. Congratulations to Matt as well for winning both the main and midweek championships with (almost!) perfect scores.


14/12/07 Only 9 of the club braved the cold last night for the 10k Handicap (or were the rest all saving themselves for the "4 Hills" race on Sunday?)

Simon Rogers was the winner - beating his previous time by over a minute to get a new PB.  He was closely followed by "new lady" Sue who was beaten to the top spot by only 2 seconds.  

Andy Wilkins came in 3rd, also with a new PB.

Dave Hogg, running very well at the minute and soon to become V50,  is now a member of the sub 40 min club with a time of 39:48

Thanks all who ran

Results can be found here


14/12/07 More details from Bill about this years Christams do and morning race

I'll be setting runners off from 9am (or earlier if possible) from outside the Leisure Centre, so that everyone should be back before the 11am cut-off. The lounge & bar have been booked from 11am - 1pm which should give us time to have something to eat and drink, the prizes to be presented and generally have one of our all too rare get-togethers as a club. Unfortunately it still leaves plenty of time to go home and write your Christmas cards, join the throngs queuing for the Trafford Centre and do some of the other jobs you've been carefully avoiding these last few weeks.
I've requested that the bar will also be able to serve coffee for anyone having to drive. It would help if everyone could bring a food contribution for the buffet table.
Lastly for all you dedicated route planners, I've been told that the tunnel and path under the railway between Glossop Cricket Club and St Luke's school is now open to non-swimmers, so it's a possible choice. Otherwise if you're worried by the reports in the local press about 'sewage' and 'health risks' there's always the other tunnel about 200 metres to the West starting from opposite the entrance to Glossop North End football club. Unfortunately you may have to take your luck with discarded lager cans, builder's rubble, mattresses, fridges and the occasional torched car. All good fun, see you Sunday! Bill

Click here for the race details and link to the map



14/12/07 For anyone planning on doing the Rossendale XC, please note that all races will start 1 hour earlier than normal (to avoid later runners finishing in darkness!). More info can be found on the Red Rose league website.


13/12/07 Dave Pinnington has put up two sets of photos from this years Gravy Pud Fell race on his Flickr site. There's also loads of fell race photos here, particularly some good ones from the FRA realys.


11/12/07 Andy Howie is now taking entries for next years Kinder Trial. Full entry details are on the Hayfield Fell Races website


11/12/07 Full results from Tankys Trog have been posted on the Dark Peak website


11/12/07 Remember next years Lambs Longer Leg on Sunday 13th Janurary is pre-entry only! The race is organized by Brian Shelmerdine and entries must be on the “Official FRA Entry Form”. The fee this year for everyone, is £3.50. Brian's address can be found in the 2007 FRA calendar or details can be found here.


11/12/07 Andy Howie has put up loads of photos from last weekends Tankys Trog. They can be found here on the Hayfield Fell Races website


11/12/07 Glossopdale was also at the Stockport 10 this weekend. Well known for it's "not so flat" course! Well done to Nev for 3rd V60. Click here for the Glossopdale results. Also some photos of the Harriers, here and Nev on the course and near the finish.


10/12/07 Great result yesterday at the Calderdale Relay - Glossopdale Harriers were 27th out of 120. Well done to all the team! The results are now available on the Halifax Harriers website or here for the Glossopdale results.

09/12/07 Peak "O" Trial Orienteering event run by Des Gibbons Sunday 30th December from the Royal Oak, A57, Glossop. 2 hr Score event. Start times at minute intervals from 11am. A map and control grid references will be issued at the start time. Entry fee £4

05/12/07 Next Handicap 10km is on the Thursday 13th December 7pm from the Leisure Centre


05/12/07 This years Club Christmas event and get together will be on Sunday 16th December at Glossop Leisure Centre. Bill will be organizing the 4 Hills of Glossop Race and then the Leisure Centre bar is booked from 11am onwards.

More details from Bill

Glossop 4 Hills event-Sunday 16th December from 8.30am onwards. 8 miles/2000ft

The run will start from Glossop Leisure Centre, and competitors can set off when they indicate they are ready to go, running solo or in a group if preferred. Route choice is open and the controls may be visited in any order, but please keep to established footpaths and rights of way, ie. don't climb walls or fences. Extra care should be taken when crossing all roads at this time of the year.

Each of the 4 un-manned checkpoints (see attached map) will be marked by a yellow flag bearing a single number or letter (which will be easy to remember) - they will be your proof that you've visited all the controls. If you think your memory's worse than mine, you can be provided with a pencil & paper at the start. The cut-off time is 11am, because the Leisure Centre lounge has been booked for the Club's annual Christmas Presentation party from 11am - 1pm.

Visit in any order:

Shire Hill         GR 052 945                 Highest point, on wire fence adjacent to path

Hill Top           GR 027 954                 Grassy knoll N of telecommunications mast

Brownhill         GR 043 929                 Behind tree, W side of cattle grid on track

Whiteley Nab   GR 025 925                 On fence, edge of plantation



03/12/07 Glossopdale runners Mark Ollerenshaw and Dave Hogg came 3rd and 4th respectively in Tankys Trog on Sunday. Dave also won the V40 prize. Well done guys!!!. It was probably some of the worst weather and stormiest conditions for the race in the last ten years and a massive achievement for all the Harriers who finished. Little Crowden Brook saw more than one of the club end up swimming!!! Click here for the Glossopdale results


02/12/07 Several of the club ran the Gravy Pud 5 on Sunday organized by northernboyslovegravy. Click here for the club results


02/12/07 There was a good turn out from the Club at this weekends Famous Grouse Fell Race. Click here for the club results


02/12/07 It was a Glossop Ladies 1 -2 -3 at last nights Handicap.

Congratulations to Becky, who beat her last time by over 1 1/2 minutes to come in only 8 seconds in front of Beryl "the Rocket" Buckley (beating her last months pb again by over a minute)!Adele, on her first handicap, came in 11 seconds after that.

Hot on their heels though was an ever improving Jeroen (I guess the speed sessions are paying off) who beat last months time by over a minute and becoming one of the "under 40 minute ELITE" in 39:21.  Nick is 1 second away - with a time of 40 minutes dead.

Other notable Improvers, Carl 40 seconds (what is Carl & Beryl's secret?), Wade 55 seconds,

Thanks to all who took part


Results can be found here