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26/05/08 - Big Website Update


Well this is a big update to the website. Lots of fell and road results below, a bit of news and updates to both the main and midweek championship tables.

The update has taken a while - sorry - but as most know we've just moved to Canada!!! At least now we have an internet connection. And first race here for me next weekend - a very falt 5miler around te city here.

Anyway, here's some links to the updates

Fell News and Results (Hayfield May Queen, Mount Famine, Lantern Pike Dash, Goyts Moss, Old County Tops)

Road Results (Shady Oak 10k, Essex Marathon, Manchester 10k, Helen's Trust 10k)

Updates to Championship tables


26/05/08 - Hayfield May Queen


This was the first of the short races in this years main championship and from a personal point of view probably my last run up anything that that you could call a hill for the foreeable future (it's a bit flat out here in Ontario!)

Anyway a superb run by Matt coming in second! Only a few seoncds behind the winner Bashir Hussain. Julien was second Glossopdale runner with me third and Andy F fourth. Again lots more ladies than last year out competing points with Lins taking home the honors this time. Special mention should go to Julien and Andrea's son Alex, who although under Pennine colours was the first junior home.

Click here for the club results and the update to the championship tables

Ther's also quite a few good photos on the twenty trees website

Image from the tweentytrees website

26/05/08 - Old County Tops


Still considered one the of best - this year the very senic 38 odd miles of the Old County Tops race in the lake district saw 3 Glosopdale pairs running.

Hope you don't mind John but I've copied your report of the race below

"It was with great anxiety I accepted Bill’s invitation to team up for this years OCT event. It’s one of those events I always dismissed in the past as so far beyond my range I wouldn’t consider entering, but part of the persuasion was that Bill wouldn’t have asked if he knew I would fail.

We had a dodgy start to the weekend when the M60 was closed at J22 and we had to detour off round Oldham, Then when we got to the Langdale campsite at about 9pm we learned it was FULL and had to belt back to Chapel Stile for a pitch in the failing light. This turned out OK except after we’d retired for the night we heard a gruff diesel engine roll up and voices murmured as some blokes pitched next door to us. We joked this would be the time Andrew A. might be arriving – but we still couldn’t believe it when at first light on Saturday the man himself emerged only to be greeted by our three ugly faces chortling in his.

The race – John H, Phil S, Bill and I all started at the back just hanging on, Andrew and John D went mid pack from the gun. We settled down after the first climb up and over to Grasmere and were going fine though slowly all the way up to Dollywagon Pike where I remembered what a big b^&&*r it is. Still we were tracking 2 or 3 other teams when we turned at Helvellyn and passed several as we descended Whelpside – Bill’s description of the food and tea at Wythburn was spurring me on down here. A far too quick stoke-up, tightening of the loin cloths and we pressed on up the slog to Greenup Edge where we were a bit surprised to catch Phil and John. John was struggling with low energy for unknown reasons but he picked up when he saw we’d caught him. Round High Raise and on a direct Bill bearing we all ran to Stake Pass but after that J & P disappeared. I was really chuffed we made it to the Angle Tarn 30 minutes inside the cutoff time, but now came Scafell Pike.

The climb was not that tough though, I think we were into our stride, eating and drinking regularly and with Bill taking all the worry out of navigating I was OK although probably didn’t look or sound it.  The biggest shock awaited us at the col before the final climb up Scafell Pike; there were queues of walkers going up and down as though a fleet of coaches had just been emptied onto that one mountain!. The clag was hanging about the tops and fine drizzle was blowing in the wind as we kept dodging treacherous rocks and people trying to avoid each other. Then as soon as we launched off down Little Narrowcove it was only 6 OCT runners again, wondering if we’d hallucinated the whole scene.

Bill led us down the twisting scree descent and we pulled a long lead over the others – but towards the bottom my left knee began to twinge. We were able to trot along Mosedale OK and with great relief reached Cockley Beck well within the cutoff time, though we were beginning to lose time against t’others as I got slower.

More tea, butties and cake and a couple of knee support bandages later we set off up Grey Friars – what a struggle that was, I could not believe how far it seemed to be as every crag or rise seemed to get us no closer to the top. Bill seemed fine and was strolling on and giving plenty of encouragement as I snailed up the whole of the world.  Anyway, we made it and then the trundle out to the Old Man of Coniston was slow but steady. By the time we returned for the descent to Wrynose my accursed knee was so rubbish, I could only limp downhill at about 2mph instead of the fantastic rush it could have been on strong legs. So, we mostly walked all the way back to the finish which annoyed the hell out of me because two teams passed us round Blea Tarn but finish we did, which was my first aim. It took us just over 11 hours. I had completed my first Old County Tops, not let my partner down too much and now have a tee shirt to wear with great pride to races, dinner parties and weddings.

John S"

Anybody got any photos nad results?


08/05/08 - 3 Days in May


If the one championship race isn;t enough this weekend - then how about 3 races in three days. The May Queen - Mount Famine and then the Lantern Pike Dash on Fri, Sat and Sun.

Full details on the Hayfield Website or a flyer for the three races is here


08/05/08 - Hayfield May Queen


The 3rd Race in this years main championship is on Friday 16th May - THE HAYFIELD MAY QUEEN. It's a short (3 miles /700') blast up and down the Lantern Pike. Registration is in the Scout Hut and it all starts at 7:30pm

Full details on the Hayfield Website